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Friday, February 28

What's it to be human?

What is it about being human? Is it about the competition we bring within ourselves? Is it the pointless differences we find to segregate “them” from “us”? Or was it originally just about being together with love and being inclusive?

I don’t know anymore.

Every time I look out and notice humanity, there’s another spec of dirt in the crowd and more often than not, it’s a dirty crowd itself. That’s one thing humans haven’t let go of – being able to act in a crowd. Sometimes it’s a positive thing.

Sometimes it’s not.

So three blind men stepped into a bus. First, the bus driver expected them to hop in and kept moving every time one put their foot on the footboard.

Next, people around started complaining about the way they were standing! Without helping them to orient themselves, let alone giving them seats.

Third, no one even spoke up about it! Apparently the handicapped seats were already occupied! Does it matter? Shouldn’t “humans” let go of their usual seats anyways?

What’s wrong with us? Have we completely lost whatever we define “human” with?

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