It enrages me to know of the things people are scared of! It enrages me even more to know the kind of people who are legally allowed to procreate and pass on the fears! These fears are just ways of killing humanity. Slow death of killing everything around to artificially create a safe haven for “us.”
People live through their entire lives without experiencing the cool shade of an old fat tree because it had to give way to something more meaningful (monetarily). The smell of fresh spring leaves, the awe of looking at flowers bloom and color the streets in a myriad of different colors! The chirp of birds and the amazement of looking at nests, eggs, and little birds! They miss it all!
People live through their entire lives without experiencing the warmth and love of a friendly neighborhood dog or cat. Their unnerving loyalty. Their need to be loved and cared for. The sheer joy of being able to take care of another life which isn’t yours. Have you wondered why dogs run away when a stone is thrown at them? They can easily charge and bite and they will surely win! I wish they started soon!
People live through their entire lives without experiencing the joy of helping someone in need. Some will argue that people in need haven’t worked hard enough to deserve help. Well, yes. May be. Who are we to judge the life someone has lived? We all need that extra push and that belief from someone that things can change.
People live through their entire lives without experiencing the sense of responsibility of NOT dirtying a place, not spitting, not peeing wherever. No! It’s not the government’s responsibility to clean. It is our responsibility more because we are the people who are walking the streets, not someone called the “government.” And seriously, how difficult is to find a garbage bin to throw something or even carrying something back home?
People live through their entire lives without feeling loved by people, animals, and nature around. Because this love isn’t something that will suddenly fall from the sky. It needs to be earned.

People live through their entire lives without experiencing the warmth and love of a friendly neighborhood dog or cat. Their unnerving loyalty. Their need to be loved and cared for. The sheer joy of being able to take care of another life which isn’t yours. Have you wondered why dogs run away when a stone is thrown at them? They can easily charge and bite and they will surely win! I wish they started soon!
People live through their entire lives without experiencing the joy of helping someone in need. Some will argue that people in need haven’t worked hard enough to deserve help. Well, yes. May be. Who are we to judge the life someone has lived? We all need that extra push and that belief from someone that things can change.
People live through their entire lives without experiencing the sense of responsibility of NOT dirtying a place, not spitting, not peeing wherever. No! It’s not the government’s responsibility to clean. It is our responsibility more because we are the people who are walking the streets, not someone called the “government.” And seriously, how difficult is to find a garbage bin to throw something or even carrying something back home?
People live through their entire lives without feeling loved by people, animals, and nature around. Because this love isn’t something that will suddenly fall from the sky. It needs to be earned.