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Tuesday, March 8

Women's day thoughts

Today is women's day and it has got me thinking. We all talk about gender equality and equal rights and freedom to live and all that. But how much of it do we actually want. I know enough women who are just happy that their men take all the decision. The fact that decision making comes with responsibility makes it easier for them to just let go of it.

Decision making

If women really want freedom and the equal rights and priviledges (which by the way I already think we have), we need  to start taking decisions on our own too without asking the men around us.


I am absolutely against reservation of any kind- gender, caste, class or anything in fact. If people want equal rights, they need to fight out bare handed like everyone else. Reservation is telling people that you are weak and need extra help.

Putting our foot down

Want to be taken seriously. Say that in words. People who think you are the weaker gender will always think your words are results of immature thinking. Say it as clearly as, "I am not kidding. Start taking me seriously." May be it won't work in the beginning but if you have the conviction to translate your words into action, some of your words might make it through.

Financial independence

As long as you are asking money from someone, you will always be answerable. Personally, keeping my bank accounts for myself has helped me a lot. I don't need to answer questions like, "Why do you need to spend so much?" and "How much did that cost." Your planning is yours alone. Learning from someone who has a stable financial situation helps, but it's not always about saving alone, it's about learning to spend as well (value of money).

Private space

Spending time with your family is a great idea. But there will be a time in your life when you will need a private space and private time. Letting everyone in in your life all the time will reduce your time for yourself. Find time and space for yourself. For single women who live with their parents, keep your room to yourself. Married, at least have a separate account on the computer.

Lastly, chase your dreams

I know it's hypocritical coming from me. But this is a blog where I think aloud and most often than not. I read these things to inspire myself. If you follow your dreams and just keep fighting for it till the end, one day all the bullies will have to shut up. Being a woman doesn't mean marriage and having children alone. Different women want different lives. Like I picturise myself travelling the world without looking back and wondering what's happening with my kids.

If you are doing something to make someone happy and it's making you unhappy, it won't make the other person happy either. Unless of course they don't care for you and only care for "society".

Live your life your way. Happy women's day!

1 comment:

Voice said...

I think Woman's day is more about recognizing the unique qualities of a woman - both by men and women. Really dont agree on gender equality or equal rights. It should be simmilar rights and men & women complementing each other in a symbiotic way. Having woman's day alone (without a men's day) defeats the purpose - it protudes out like a minority priviledge.